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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Inch Island Activities

Well, compared to the other places we have been there is not a whole lot to do here in Inch Island. All fifteen of us are staying in one house which has actually been a lot of fun. There is a large kitchen and a lecture room which is where many people have been working on their sketches. There is also a music/tv room that has a guitar, piano, 3 ukeles, 2 mandolins, and 4 accordions, all of which are out of tune/broken. Being a mandolinist I was very excited when I first walked into the room to see that there were two , but my dreams of playing one were crushed after I picked them up and noticed that they were both missing strings and that the remaining strings were so old that they did not want to be stretched anymore. However, the fact that all the instruments were either out of tune or broken did not stop the majority of the group trying to play them (which sounded awful in case you were wondering).

I have been able to go running here. Yesterday I took a left out of the driveway and ran for awhile, today I took a right. There is basically one road, so I ran in the same direction for awhile and then turned around and ran back. The views are very nice, definitely what I pictured Ireland looking like. There are lots of sheep, green grass, water, and some hills in the distance which all make for a very nice run.

Other things that people have done to entertain themselves here are set up a ping pong table, play hide and seek in the dark, and watch a lot of movies. Last night we watched both Boondock Saints. I had never seen the first one all the way through and enjoyed that. The second one however, I did not find so enjoyable. Most people that started watching it left before half of the movie was over. I stayed until it was done to see if it ever got any better and it didn't. Oh well.


CeeCee said...

Bummer about the broken mandolins!!! Open St. Mike's Night was last night and we missed you SOOOO MUCH!

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