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Saturday, April 3, 2010


I made it to Galway yesterday. Instead of taking a nap when we got here, I decided to go walk around. I discovered many wonderful stores that are close to the hostel. One in particular is called The Four Corners. I was drawn in because of the mandolins in the windows and discovered that there were many more inside. I also saw a few bouzoukis, which is an instrument that I am very interested in learning to play. I then walked upstairs and found that there was an art supply store inside and found a light gray pen which is a great find for a designer or sketcher. After that buy I found a celtic mandolin book to add to my music library. Then I walked some more and went into a natural/health store and looked at all the products.

The group set out to go to the movies last night around 9 and we were going to see the Clash of the Titans but when we got there the line was out the door for ticket sales. We looked at a schedule and saw that Alice in Wonderland was playing at a later time. After some group debate we decided to split up to see different movies, a few of us Going to Alice in Wonderland and the rest going to Clash of the Titans starting at 11:55. We made a quick stop at the Ben and Jerry's stand before going into the theater and seeing the movie. I had not heard very many good things about this movie but I still wanted to see it and after it was over I was glad that the bad reviews did not stop me from seeing it because I really enjoyed the movie. I thought that it brought up a good point about how imagination is suppressed because it is viewed as weird or not normal. I think it is important to keep thinking or crazy and impossible things because that it the only way those things can become possible.

"We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want the seemingly impossible to become a reality"-Vaclav Havel


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