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Friday, March 19, 2010


Our group was not meeting up until 11 this morning so that everyone could catch up on some sleep. Since I went to bed early last night I took this opportunity to go for a run. I ran along the River Liffey for about 10 minutes and then turned around and ran back to the hostel. This was the first time that I just stayed next to the river so I saw some things that I hadn't before and made a mental note of things that I wanted to photograph before I leave Dublin.
We met up in the lobby of the hostel at 11 and went across the street to Christchurch Cathedral. I have seen this church everyday I've been in Dublin but today was the first day I was able to go inside. There was beautiful stained glass and very ornate decorations and arches. After that we walked down the street to St. Patrick's Cathedral which had a lot of the same architectural details and was just as pretty. There was also a small park next to St. Patrick's which is where he is supposed to have baptized a lot of people. I think I like St. Patrick's better just because of the park next to it.
After the cathedral tours we stopped at a fish and chips place for lunch and then went back to the hostel. The internet was going on and off while I was trying to email my mom just to give her an update and look up things to do tomorrow since we have a free day. I ended up getting frustrated and then wondering why I was sitting inside on a nice day in a foreign country, so I decided to go to the National Gallery which was a longer walk away but it also had free admission.
Since the majority of the group was napping or just sitting around I set out by myself with my map and headed across town to the museum. I somehow entered through the side entrance and got a little turned around inside but then located the main entrance and was set. I walked through the galleries and did not recognize most of the names since it was mainly Irish art, however I did find some new artists that I like and plan on looking them up.
After the museum I walked back to the hostel and stopped at Butler's Chocolate Cafe for a mocha and a cookie and then headed down Grafton Street. This time there was a ventriloquist making a dummy play a mini piano, an Irish band, and a guy making a sleeping dog out of sand. There are usually entertainers on Grafton Street but today there more than usual. I had seen the ventriloquist before and he was making the dummy dance and walk up stairs and had some crazy music playing which was very entertaining.
Now I am sitting in my room at the hostel wondering what tonight will bring.


Allison Marshall said...

Did you take pictures in the Cathedrals? That is one thing I really wish I could be there to see!

It sounds like Ireland suits you so well. Don't fall in love with it and then never come back, that would make me sad!

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