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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Adventures in India

My mom dropped me off at the Atlanta airport around 11 and then it was hurry up and wait for about an hour until I got to my gate. I made some phone calls and then sat with my group until the flight at 1:55. We got to Chicago around 3 and got some food (the last salad I will be eating for awhile) and then left Chicago around 5 and got to Brussels around 8 a.m. Our next flight was delayed a little because of maintenance issues and we left around 11. Sometime after midnight we arrived in the Chennai airport in India.

The first thing I noticed was that it was hot and crowded, even that late in the night. The group of 12 piled into a van with all of our luggage and headed to our hotel. At night, it did not look like we were in the greatest part of town and we realized the next day that we aren’t.

Our first day we all woke up in time to get the complimentary breakfast provided by our hotel and then most of the group walked to the IIT Madras campus, where some of us will be working. Our hotel is next to a slum, but there is a fence with guards around our hotel to keep us safe. On our walk to the campus we saw plenty of goats, chickens, and dogs in the street. The campus is very pretty, lots of trees keep it a degree or two cooler than outside. On campus there are a ton of monkeys but don’t make eye contact with them because they try to take things from you. We visited a lab and then walked back to the hotel and got the rest of the group and then went for lunch. We walked to a food court in an Industrial Park and noticed that there is a KFC, Pizza Hut, and Subway, which will be nice if I’m crazing something familiar. I had some Indian foor, chicken curry with a steamed rice noodle patty and some sort of bread (sorry I don’t know the names) which was a little spicy but delicious. After that we came back to the hotel and soon after that Autumn and I worked out in the tiny gym here. There is a strange machine called a “CrazyFit Massage” and we looked it up and it claimed to be “Australia’s favorite vibration work out.” I’ll keep you updated on that. There is also a bike, treadmill, and weights. It’s really hot outside (around 100 everyday) so I think I’ll stick to the gym, at least until I’m more familiar with the area, but probably the majority of the summer. We ordered a pizza for dinner and it tasted basically the same as pizza back home and then went to bed around 10.

Today we got up around 8 and had breakfast. The coffee here is already mixed with milk and not very strong so I think Autumn and I are just going to make coffee ourselves in our room each morning. Now we are waiting to go to the grocery store and watching Indian television. I have noticed that a lot of the advertisements are for making your skin paler which is the opposite of what the commercials are at home right now which is interesting.


Allison Marshall said...

So glad to hear you are there safely! I cannot wait to read more, so keep the updates coming!!

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